a symptom of the moral decay that's gnawing at the heart of the country

Monday, 23 January 2012


I'm full of coffee and, having just watched Room 101, felt inspired to make a wee list of things that boil my piss, as a form of catharthis. This is designed, in the words of the great Peter Cook, "to get some things off my chest, and on to other peoples'."

Obviously this is a heavily redacted inventory, but I had to write this quickly as I've got some laundry to sort out:

  1. Band competitions. Music is not a competition and musical opinion is always, *always* entirely subjective. Who is the best band in Cambridge? Who cares?

  2. The Conservative Party. Do I really have to explain this one?

  3. Ill-mannered people. Just how do you think that being obnoxious, rude or ignorant makes you a better person or the world a better place?

  4. Celebrities. Hate the word, hate the concept, hate the magazines, hate the TV shows. The concept of celebrity demeans real achievement and needlessly elevates the perceived status of preening self-important performing chimps.

  5. The recorded works of Stereophonics. Although I will grudgingly admit that it's quite an achievement making "beige" a musical genre.

  6. Consumerism. Yes, I buy things, of course I do, but I'm increasingly noticing that people are becoming defined by what they own, not by who or what they are. This makes me twitchy.

  7. Masterchef. Cooking doesn't get any tougher than this. Apparently.

  8. Patriotism. You do realise that your country of birth is an accident and an irrelevance, don't you? You don't? Oh.

  9. Writing “should of” instead of “should have”. Were you forcibly removed from school at the age of six?

  10. Playing on people's fears and insecurities to either make money or exercise control over them. Applies to governments, advertisers, organised religions and psychics/mediums. Well done, all of you. No, really.

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